Thursday, 14 April 2011


Before we start building anything, we need to plan out how large we are having our set, the dimensions, the angles etc. this is why we use autocad, it creates a realistic scaled images and this is what we came up with!

For the living room, we wanted to keep it nice and square, and as large as possible as it is supposed to be a family room. As for Gregor's room, we wanted to have a clear sense of claustrophobia so have made one end less wide than the other, aswell as shortening the walls gradually to give a skewed perspective.

First rough design of our set!
AutoCad depiction of what our set should look like

The measurements for the rooms and some of the furniture are as follows :
Living room: w = 10ft l =12ft
Bedroom: WD = 10ft WB=7ft l=12ft
Windows W=2.16ft (27") l=4ft (48")
Doors: W=2.416 (29")
Fire place: W=3.5ft (42") D=12"
arm Chairs: W=3.4ft D=2.9ft (35")
Dining Table: W=3.5ft(42") L=4.5ft (54")
Chairs: W=1.75ft(21") D=1.75ft(21")
Sofa: W=46ft(56") D=2.6ft(32")
Writing Desk: W=5.5ft(44") D=2.416(29")
Bed = L=6.66ft(80inch) W=3.33ft(40")
using these we were able to produce a working model of our final set, obviously on a much smaller scale. the point of this maquette is to see how realistic the rooms will look, whether it will physically fit together and whether all the furniture and stuff will fit in. after a few alterations we decided on a fonal design that most people were happy with.
simon also did a few experimental camera shots using different hued lights etc to create different moods. although this model is tiny, the lighting still made it look awesome!
final working model!

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